Our partners play a crucial role in championing empowHER’s mission to foster positive change for women in the construction industry. With your support, we can effectively recruit and retain women in the building trades, promote leadership roles and connect tradeswomen to mentorship opportunities.
Throughout 2025, empowHER will be hosting events to build sisterhood and solidarity within the industry. There are several sponsorship opportunities available as well as customizable ways to support us. Please reach out to with any questions.
Premium Sponsor
- Recognition at all empowHER events
- Opportunity to display standing floor banner and promotional materials to display at events
- Company logo on all signage, printed materials and media releases
- Company logo on empowHER’s website for one full year
Presenting Sponsor
- Recognition at all empowHER events
- Company logo on all signage, printed materials and media releases
- Company logo on empowHER’s website for one full year
Supporting Sponsor
- Company logo on all signage, printed materials and media releases
- Company logo on empowHER’s website for one full year
Complete the form below to support our mission.
Premium Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

Supporting Sponsors